Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies I have used:

  • Sony Vegas Movie Studios
  • Sony Handycam SX-33
  • Adobe After Effect CS5 (Titles)
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5
When completing the opening I used a number of  different types of technologies to start with I used the internet to get a questionnaire complete I have learnt that using google docs I was able to make a questionnaire to ask a number of people via social networks and email this allowed me to create a piece which would appeal to the audience after completing the research I was able to make props such as the police badge and for this I used Photoshop to construct the essential prop for the opening because it is used for the audience to understand who the character is. After completing the making of the props i was able to film the opening and using the camera allowed me to understand where to place the camera to make my shot the best it could be. when using the camera I have learnt the different settings of how to use the camera.

To edit my clips together I used Sony Vegas from this I was able to learn how to place the clips together and split them up and also remove the parts of the clip, i have learnt from using both the IMovie which is available at school and the Sony Vegas which I used to compile the clips to make a very different opening with a number of clips. I was also able to use a very easy to use the transitions and video effect which are included on the software and i have learnt that coupling the editing on the software with the sounds used also can be very effective. The soundtracks which I have used on my opening I have used the fade options on the software to make a very different soundtrack. I have also learnt that i can use royalty free music from websites such as and this has allowed my to make my piece unique with a set of soundtracks which can be easily found on the websites. Using the software feel that I have been creative with the shots I have used within the opening such as the Graphic match with the eyes and the matches on action I have completed in the opening to my film.

I also used Adobe After Effects CS5 this was to do the titles of the piece i mainly done this to make the opening have a different type opening with my own distribution company and my very own titles but not ones which over powered the story I have learnt from using this technology that the making of the products does take time because when making the company logo i had to wait for the program to render the title i will remember this when I do future work with the program that i will have to wait for rendering.
I have also learnt from actually making the blog by adding a number of different types of media which can be used on the blog itself i have tried to find many exciting ways to try and show my work.  

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