Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation: In what way does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After researching the crime genre I was able to come to conclusions on how the audience would see conventional parts for the genre itself. one of the main conventions of a crime film is the main lead character is male whether they are a criminal or a person of the law they always seem to be the main character of the piece so I have used this as the chosen lead character this is used in films such as catch me if you can with characters such as Frank Abagnale Jr. and Carl Hanratty and films like Hot Fuzz with Sgt. Nicholas Angel he is the lead part in the film and I feel this is the best the character is the main part to link the audience to the film.I also feel i have tried to develop the convention of the main male lead and i have done this by using a parallel editing by showing Mike Denzey the main lead and comparing him with the 'Bad Guy' with the parallel shots placing them together.

I feel the plot of my film is conventional of a good crime film as I have focused on the Police side of the crime film, I have tried to structure the film so that the audience understand the way the characters are linked whether it is a large link but I have tried to make sure the convention of having the story on the police side will give the understanding to the audience which may go on in the film. With the storyline i have tried to add action codes and enigma codes to make the storyline like in silence of the lambs using the action code like the hat worn by the member of the FBI and the Behavioural science sign this allows the audience to understand the full picture when they see these visual clues to give them the storyline slowly. The plot line which I have used is also to try and link to youth culture these days because many young people understand the pressure of drugs and peer pressure, this is the main reason why I have use a young character in the chase sequence.

I have also looked at how the location would work and the best way was to use places which would make the audience relate to the area which the story is set in this is what is used in films like Harry Brown where Michael Caine's character  lives on an estate in London this is placing the audience in the there world I have tried no to place the main character in a world which is completely different to the world which the audience I wanted to aim the film at because that would distance them from what is happening in the storyline and where the characters are. conventionally the location is like a  capital city or built up area and I feel I have use this to a good effect to the audience.

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